Anneka Deacon, LMT
deeply nurturing bodywork

The Arvigo® Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy (ATMAT)

This type of treatment can be beneficial for just about everyone, and it is particularly helpful for supporting reproductive and digestive health. An initial session is booked for 2 hours to allow time for a thorough intake, the treatment, instruction on how to do the self care massage at home, and developing a treatment plan based on your goals. Subsequent sessions are typically 90 minutes. Read on below for in-depth information about the Arvigo® Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy.

Initial 2 hour session: $175

Follow-up sessions (90 minutes): $140


What to expect in a Maya Abdominal Therapy session

These techniques can be performed with oil directly on the skin or through a sheet or clothing, depending on the client’s comfort level. The anterior treatment (and self care massage) primarily involves gentle massage of the abdomen, from the pubic bone to the ribcage. The posterior treatment involves evaluation and gentle structural alignment techniques focused on the pelvic, sacral, lumbar, and thoracic areas. Additional massage and myofascial balancing techniques may be employed to support this work. The correct application of the techniques are generally soothing, enjoyable, and promote relief. I aim to work at a pace that is appropriate for each individual individual, supporting change that the body is ready to accept and integrate.

Here is an overview of what is included in a full Maya Abdominal Therapy session:

  • Comprehensive review of your personal health history and current health care needs.
  • Abdominal massage focused on aligning reproductive and abdominal organs
  • Evaluation and application of structural alignment techniques with attention to the sacrum, lumbar, and thoracic spine.
  • Instruction in self care massage to enhance your professional treatment session
  • Recommendation of complementary modalities, as appropriate:
    • Herbal remedies
    • Castor oil packs
    • Faja (organ support wrap)
    • Bajos (traditional vaginal steam bath of the Mayas - pronounced ba-hos)
    • Nutritional and or lifestyle education and adaptations


Benefits of Maya Abdominal Therapy

The Arvigo® Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy are offered as a supportive modality to enhance health and wellness, and are not meant as an entire approach to health care. If you have any serious medical conditions, please consult your health care provider first.

This being said, our techniques support and enhance health and wellness and have been found to provide satisfactory results when compared to alternate treatments. Practitioners of The Arvigo® Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy report that many common health care symptoms are alleviated by these techniques. Organ functions are supported and enhanced.

This list contains the most common symptoms that are improved by incorporating this holistic modality into ones health care. 

For Female Bodies

  • Displaced or prolapsed uterus and or bladder
  • Painful menstrual cycles and ovulation
  • Irregular menstrual cycles and ovulation
  • Bladder or yeast infections
  • Miscarriages, difficult pregnancies
  • Endometriosis
  • Perimenopause, menopausal symptoms
  • Infertility
  • PMS/Depression with menstruation
  • Ovarian cysts
  • Uterine fibroids
  • Abnormal uterine bleeding
  • Enhances Pregnancy, aids in labor and birthing
  • Pelvic congestion, pain 

For Male Bodies

  • Early stages of prostate swelling
  • Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)
  • Prostatitis (mild)
  • Impotence, Erectile Dysfunction (depending on cause)

For All Bodies

  • Headaches/migraines
  • Digestive Disorders
  • Low energy
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
  • Gastro Esophogeal Reflux (GERD)
  • Crohn's Disease
  • Chronic constipation
  • Low Back ache
  • Chronic indigestion or heartburn
  • Gastritis
  • Restricted breathing due to tension

Benefits for Women

Normally the uterus leans slightly over the bladder in the center of the pelvis, about one and a half inches above the pubic bone. It is held in this position by muscles, the vaginal wall and ligaments that attach it to the back, front, and sides of the pelvis. Uterine ligaments are made to stretch to accommodate a growing fetus inside and to move freely when the bladder or bowel is full. Through time, dysfunctional movement patterns, injury, and trauma, the ligaments and muscles can weaken, causing the uterus to fall forward, backward or to either side (sometimes referred to as "tipped" or "tilted"), or to drop downward (or "prolapse").

When reproductive organs shift out of their optimal positioning, they can constrict normal flow of blood and lymph and disrupt nerve connections. Just a few extra ounces resting on blood and lymph vessels can cause significant disruption throughout the different systems in the body. By shifting the uterus back into place, homeostasis, or the natural balance of the body, is restored in the pelvic area and the surrounding organs. Toxins are flushed, nutrients that help to tone and balance are able to reach the tissues, and hormones are restored to normal order. Homeostasis is essential for healthy menstruation, pregnancy, labor, and delivery, and has a profound impact on overall health and well being throughout the body.

Benefits for Men

Men benefit greatly from Maya Abdominal Massage techniques as well. By ensuring adequate blood supply to the prostate, the abdominal massage helps to prevent swelling and inflammation. Men report that they can feel a distinct difference in blood flow after a treatment. Not only can the massage relieve prostate swelling, but it can also help alleviate varicose veins, premature ejaculation, some impotency problems and the need to urinate frequently.

Digestive and Emotional Benefits for Men and Women

Individuals with digestive disorders benefit greatly from Maya Abdominal Massage. Many common disorders such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Indigestion, Constipation, and heartburn are treated with antacids, muscle relaxants, and a variety of other medications. These treatments address symptoms, not causes, and their long term use can have negative impacts on overall health. With the Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy, the upper abdomen is given a thorough massage to loosen the tight muscles of the midsection that impact the digestive and eliminative organs' vital blood supply. 


Contraindications, Cautions, and Modifications

The Arvigo® Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy™ are safe and effective. There are certain conditions where application of these techniques are either contraindicated or require modification. Please consult with your practitioner if you have any questions.

  • During active menstruation (modification)
  • When an IUD (intra-uterine device for contraception) is present (modification)
  • Immediately after abdominal surgery (wait until your doctor clears you for abdominal massage, usually 6-8 weeks)
  • Active infection or cancer present in pelvic area, or while undergoing chemotherapy
  • During the first trimester (19 weeks) of pregnancy (modification)
  • Hiatal Hernia (modification; gentle massage in the region of the diaphragm)
  • Active and acute infection
  • Abdominal Aneurysm
  • Diastasis Rectus (modification)
  • Pessary for uterine prolapse (remove prior to your session)
  • Any serious health condition that causes you concern (discuss with your practitioner)


Maya Abdominal Therapy: FAQs

What are The Arvigo® Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy™?

The Arvigo® Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy™ are a non-invasive, external massage technique. When applied, they guide internal abdominal organs into their proper position for optimum health and well being. The techniques work by relieving congestion and blockages to improve the flow of the circulatory, lymphatic and nervous systems to prevent the progression of chronic disease symptoms. By releasing physical and emotional congestion from the abdomen, organ function is improved. These techniques are effective for both men and women.


How do the techniques work for women?

This external massage gently lifts and guides the uterus into its optimal position in the pelvis. The uterus is held in position by over 10 ligaments. Ligaments, when stressed or strained, cause the uterus to become mal-positioned. If the uterus is mal-positioned, women experience a multitude of symptoms.


What could cause a displaced uterus?

  • Injury to the sacrum or tailbone from a fall, car accidents, etc
  • Pelvic ligaments that have weakened due to overstretching during pregnancy and birth
  • High Impact exercise, running on cement surfaces, high impact aerobics, etc
  • Lifting & carrying heavy objects before or during menstruation and too soon after childbirth
  • Time and gravity
  • Past surgeries
  • Weak pelvic floor muscles
  • Chronic muscle spasm around the low back and sacrum
  • Emotional armoring


What are the symptoms of a displaced uterus?

  • Painful or irregular periods; painful or irregular ovulation
  • Dark or brown blood at the onset and at the end of menstruation
  • Headache or migraine with period
  • Varicose veins of the legs and/or tired, weak or numb legs
  • Low backache; back pain with period
  • Uterine Fibroids and Uterine Polyps
  • PMS/ depression
  • Frequent urination; bladder infections, incontinence
  • Recurrent vaginal infections
  • Chronic miscarriages
  • Difficulty getting pregnant/Infertility
  • Painful intercourse
  • Chronic constipation
  • Difficult menopause


How quickly should I expect a change?

Depending on the severity of the problem, it may take as little as one session and as long as many months for the uterine position to be corrected and for the ligaments to gain enough strength and elasticity for it to stay in place. 3 sessions are usually the minimum.

Women often report a rapid improvement in symptoms and sense of wellbeing when self-care is performed regularly.


Are the techniques recommended for all women?

Almost every woman (even those who have had hysterectomies) can benefit greatly from the Arvigo Techniques through improved circulation, lymphatic drainage and a decrease in the formation of scar tissue.

Direct application over the uterus is not performed (though modifications are sometimes possible):

  • During menstrual bleeding
  • Within the first 6 weeks following a normal vaginal delivery or the first 3 months after a c-section
  • For a woman using an IUD for birth control
  • During the first trimester of pregnancy


How are the Arvigo® Techniques helpful for men?

The techniques are applied the same way for both men and women. The prostate is a glandular organ that rests behind the bladder but has no ligaments for support. The prostate gland can become congested resulting in early stages of Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (BPH), impotence (depending on the cause), or decreased sperm count. The Arvigo® Techniques support circulation and healthy organ function, thus helping to relieve congestion in the abdomen and pelvis.


How do the Arvigo Techniques support Fertility?

It has been estimated that approx 30 % of woman who have been unsuccessful in conceiving eventually conceive after a succession of Arvigo® sessions. Treatments generally consist of massage, diet and lifestyle modifications, as well as herbal therapies to enhance fertility.

Once the uterus is in its optimal position, there is improved hemodynamics and homeostasis to support and enhance fertility. When including the partner in the process, we find fertility is increased! After all, men need this work as much as women do.


I've had a Hysterectomy - how do the Arvigo® Techniques help?

Women who have had hysterectomies benefit greatly from these techniques, as they improve circulation in and around the area of the scar. Ligaments and other remaining organs benefit from improved circulatory flow in the pelvis.


How do the Arvigo® Techniques help with Cesarean birth?

By strengthening and toning the uterus, ligaments and other pelvic organs, the massage helps to place and maintain the uterus in her optimal position before giving birth. Well being of the mother and baby are improved as they prepare for labor and delivery. Midwives who apply this technique during labor and delivery have reported a decrease in laboring and easier delivery for mom and baby. If a Cesarean birth is necessary, Arvigo techniques can support the body to be more resilient and able to heal effectively after the birth. For women who have had a Cesarean birth, this technique can be beneficial for minimizing scar tissue and can provide an opportunity to further integrate the birth experience, both physically and emotionally.


How do the Arvigo Techniques support digestion?

Many anxieties and emotions are stored in our body's tissues and organs. A very common place is in the organs of the digestive system. Those so called "butterflies in your stomach" can lead to constipation, indigestion, heartburn, gastritis, and eventually to Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Gasto Esophageal Reflux (GERD), Crohn's and more.

Stresses and emotions cause the small intestine and colon to be "twisted or kinked" leading the blockages in the flow of peristalsis. Surrounding fascia creates restrictions that mal-position organs and impede optimal blood flow and enzyme secretions. Maya Abdominal Therapy techniques gently clear fascial restrictions, integrate scar tissue, and improve mobility and motility of the digestive organs. Often there is a notable improvement after just one session, especially when combined with proper diet and self-care. 


Will the Arvigo Techniques help with digestion problems following abdominal surgery?

Scar tissue and medications can often cause problems with digestion after abdominal surgery. Abdominal massage can help to increase circulation, minimize scarring and improve mobility and motility of the digestive organs. A few sessions combined with castor oil packs, diet and self care are often used depending on the restriction for optimal success. Make sure you wait for 4-6 weeks after surgery and have the consent of your health care provider before applying this technique. 


What is "Self Care" and why does it help?

Each client is instructed in performing the abdominal massage for themselves. By doing self care massage daily for 2 - 3 minutes, it provides the individual with the ability to improve their symptoms while working with their practitioner.

Over the years, practitioners report that their clients obtain relief from their symptoms quicker when they perform daily self care techniques and make the necessary life style changes than clients who do not. 


Who is qualified to administer The Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy™?

Only those practitioners  who have successfully completed the first two levels of training, which includes Self-Care and  Professional Care Training are qualified to apply these techniques in their practice.

Practitioners who have completed Certification are advanced practitioners who have completed the requirements, such as case studies and  advanced body work applications. 


History of Arvigo Therapy

The Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy™ are founded on the ancient Mayan technique of abdominal massage which is an external, non invasive manipulation that repositions internal organs. Organs that have shifted from their optimal position in the body can restrict the flow of blood, lymph, nerve and chi.

Based on over thirty years of training and experience in massage, naprapathy, herbology, and spiritual healing, Dr. Rosita Arvigo developed these techniques which now bear her name. This modality incorporates a holistic approach to health care which includes massage, anatomy and physiology, herbology, nutrition, and emotional and spiritual healing. Dr. Arvigo believes that with any natural healing technique, these areas must be simultaneously addressed to promote optimal health.

Dr. Arvigo learned these techniques from her mentor, Don Elijio Panti, the great Maya Shaman of Belize, Central America with whom she apprenticed for ten years. Don Elijio believed that a woman's center is her uterus. "If a woman's uterus is out of balance, so is she," he would say. Midwives and healers of Central America agree that most female troubles are caused by the wandering womb. Don Elijio passed away in 1996 at the age of 103. Rosita also studied with Hortence Robinson, a 73 year old herbal midwife of Belize who has been delivering babies since she was 13.

The Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Massage™ address position and health of the pelvic and abdominal organs. The work is best known for the correction of the prolapsed, fallen, or tilted uterus and for the prevention and treatment of benign prostate enlargement in men, and for relief of many common digestive disorders.