Anneka Deacon, LMT
deeply nurturing bodywork


"After decades of dealing with constant stiffness and pain that had not been relieved by other therapies, Anneka Deacon was able to deliver meaningful positive outcomes in only 2 months of therapy.  She helped me obtain a significant increase in the range of motion in my neck after only 3 massage sessions!  The Maya Abdominal Therapy she provided produced a notable increase in the mobility of my pelvis and improved the elasticity of my diaphragm.  I feel taller, more flexible and 10 years younger after working with Anneka.  I recommend her as an excellent provider of quality health care."    

~ Cecily Fosso Tilley, Dental Hygienist


 "I was on the hunt for a massage therapist who would honor my body, and educate me on my body through their healing practice and touch. After my first session with Anneka in her beautiful and inviting home space, I felt that I could completely trust her with physical trauma my body has encountered.  In working with Anneka  I have recieved much relief from chronic pain, and I also have become much more in tune with my body in many, many ways.   She has empowered me, provided me with education on self-care, and through seeing her I have been able to release and find balance in many places."  

~ Jess Houston


"I had my first prenatal massage with Anneka when I was 28 weeks pregnant.  I was starting to have the low back ache pregnancy can bring on.  I also had a feeling of heaviness in my pelvis but assumed that was going to be how I felt for the remainder of the pregnancy.  That heaviness was gone by the end of the session and my back felt the relief for several weeks.  I was able to move better during the day and stopped waking up or starting my day with back pain. The self-massage techniques Anneka taught me have continued to help reduce my heartburn and indigestion." 

~ KM


I began seeing Anneka at 38.5 weeks pregnant. My only regret is that I didn't start working with her earlier in my pregnancy. She always spoke sweetly to my baby in utero before our sessions began, letting him know what she was doing and welcoming him into the world. Her touch is not only skilled, but is the touch of someone who is truly meant to do this work. I left her sessions feeling nourished and relieved in my sore hips, back and pelvis, and I couldn't wait to return. The pelvis is such a sensitive area - one wrong move and my body can really flare up. Anneka checked in often whenever she noticed my energy shift, and she always asked if the pressure/motion was too much or not enough. As she invited my feedback, I quickly developed a deep trust in her and felt like we were working together to ease the tension in my full-term body. I highly recommend working with Anneka during your pregnancy. If you do, it'll be one of the greatest gifts you give yourself and your baby. 

Our Birth Story

I entered into labor at  41 wks + 1 day. As a birth doula and a friend, Anneka offered to be on call for us if we needed extra support during labor. Turns out we did. After 12 hours of labor at home and 24 hours after my water had broken, I was only one centimeter dilated. We transferred to the hospital not long after due to an increased risk of infection and Anneka arrived an hour after we checked in. She remained by our side until after our son was born 24 hours later. Her presence and coaching felt like Mother Earth herself, the loving presence and grounded holding, was guiding me through. I distinctly remember her rubbing my legs during a contraction in the middle of the night and feeling like she was an angel at the end of my bed. 

A long 45 hours after my water broke, with 20 of those hours spent in intense labor induced by castor oil and pitocin, I started having back labor and my midwife discovered that my baby was turned posterior. His head was not properly engaged with my cervix and so was not applying enough pressure for it to open. I was still only at 4cm and was reaching the edge of my pain threshold. I soon opted for an epidural so I could get some much needed rest. Six hours later, I was still only 5cm dilated. Anneka offered to massage my abdomen to help my uterus get into a more ideal position. She worked on my belly for about 15 minutes. The nurse commented on how much more centered everything looked afterwards. I soon began to feel pressure on my cervix for the first time. Three hours later (56 hours after my water had broken, 31 hours of intense contractions with very high pitocin levels), I was fully dilated. 20 minutes after that, my son was born facing anterior - he had turned to the more ideal position! "Turning babies" in not in the scope of Anneka's practice, but she is very skilled in supporting the uterus into her proper position which can in turn support your baby into a more ideal position. Anneka's work was truly a miracle. If you're looking for a doula, please contact her to see if you're a good fit for each other. 

~ GL